Mrs. StewART

Learning Objectives:
Students will...
The student will learn the concepts of creating the illusion of texture in a drawing or painting. The student will apply concepts learned to create a drawing of paper bags from observation using graphite. The student will accurately depict simulated texture through value.
Students will arrange 3 paper bags in order to draw them from observation. (Students may photograph the arrangement to help remember the arrangement.) Students will draw the bags from observation concentrating on creating the illusion of accurate texture through the use of value.
White drawing paper 18" by 24"
Soft graphite pencils
3 Paper bags
Student Handouts
Guided Practice:
The teacher will present the presentation entitled "Texture". Each student will take 3 - 5 bags and create a still life arrangement. Using graphite on white paper, students will draw the bags from observation, focusing on creating the illusion of realistic (simulated texture) through the use of value.
Texture - In terms of art, texture refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel if it were touched.
3-D Texture - Physical and tactile texture on an object.
2-D Texture (Visual Texture) - The illusion of how an object would feel if it could be physically touched.
Simulated Texture - Texture that is created in order to simulate "real-life" texture of objects.
Invented Texture - Texture that is created using a 2-D pattern of shapes and lines.